A civil marriage ceremony offers the bride and groom considerable freedom of choice. They can choose the celebrant, the date, the time, the place, the words, the music and the style of ceremony they desire. The ceremony can include poems, readings, music, special rituals and/or cultural symbols. Family and friends may participate in the ceremony as well. According to the Marriage Act, there are certain words which must be stated by both the couple and the Marriage Celebrant, however, the remainder of the ceremony can be negotiated entirely, to specifically suit the couple and the occasion.
A Naming Ceremony is becoming an increasingly popular way in which to welcome a new child into the family. This is a secular (non-religious) ceremony, with a focus on the child and the family unit. Naming ceremonies can include godparents, mentors or guardians, and guests and other family members can also be involved. There are many additional ideas which can be incorporated, including suitable readings and symbolism, to create a special welcome to your precious addition.
Whilst marriages between couples other than a man and a woman are not legally recognised in Australia as yet, a commitment ceremony, whereby each partner commits himself/herself to the other, offers an alternative. In a ceremony similar in format to a marriage ceremony, partners commit themselves to each other, and express their love and loyalty through promises and mutual affirmations. This ceremony is available for couples who wish to formalise their union as a couple, without involving the legal aspects.
The reasons marriage vows are renewed can vary, depending on the couple and the circumstances. Some couples simply wish to declare their continuing love to each other; others may wish to commemorate a milestone, e.g. being married a number of years; and still others may have been married overseas/interstate and now wish to celebrate their marriage with family and friends. A renewal of vows ceremony can be very formal or very relaxed, but most importantly, it is an affirmation of continuing love and commitment to each other.
About me
As a young, modern, and friendly celebrant, I work with you to co-create a personalised, meaningful ceremony, whatever the occasion. I specialise in marriage ceremonies, but also perform commitment ceremonies, renewal of vows and name-giving ceremonies. Contact me, I have plenty of ideas to share!
In terms of marriage ceremonies, I believe weddings are about the joining of two people, two lives. Your wedding should be an authentic expression of who you are - your love for each other, your hopes and dreams, your shared values and visions. The shape your ceremony takes should be up to you. I always feel so honoured to be a part of such a significant occasion!
The choice of celebrant is very personal and each celebrant can offer you something different in creating your own personalised ceremony. Make sure you feel comfortable with your celebrant and that you can communicate openly with each other.
Always aim for the best person to help you plan and perform the exact marriage ceremony that YOU want. After all, your wedding day is about YOU, not the celebrant... Planning your perfect ceremony and wedding day should be memorable and I would be delighted to be a part of your planning process - enjoy this special time and savour every magical moment! Best wishes!